/broadcast The test is allowed//All con x SCP and 035 need sid+perm //
all personal are reqire to show id card and reason to passing the check point except SID+//
中文注释:允许测试 第三区和035需要sid+许可//检查点需要出示ID和理由 sid+可以忽略
/broadcast The test is not allowed//The site is currently suffered by SCP breaching and CI//
Combat personnel are respond to rc all SCP and evacuate all Scientist to nearest breach shelter or cp//
中文注释:测试不允许 站点遭到异常和ci 打击 战斗人员要求回应且重新收容全部的异常并且带领所有科研人员到最近的避难所和检查点
/broadcast // 076 has breach all operation are need to be stop and head to rc 076 immediately//
ScD need evacuated nearest breach shelter or cp waiting for next instructions//
中文注释:076 突破 所有行动停止并且着手于重新收容076//一样科学家到避难所等待下一步指令
/broadcast // The CD has riot! All combat personnel are respond to cdc for counterinsurgency//
Noncombat person need to evacuated nearest breach shelter or check point waiting for CD riot is over//
中文注释 DD暴动 所有战斗人员要求到cdc镇压 非战斗人员给我蹲在避难所等待结束
/broadcast // The nuke project is on the program pls evacuated to the blast shelter and waiting for next instruction//
All operation need to be halted and listen to the 05 command
中文注释 核弹协议已经开启 所有人员撤离到核弹避难所 所有行动终止并且听从05指挥
/broadcast The test is not allowed//The site is currently suffered by CI rading//
Combat personnel are respond to term all CI and evacuate all Scientist to nearest breach shelter or cp//
中文注释 测试不允许 站点遭到ci攻击 战斗人员要求回应消灭掉所有CI并且撤离所有科研人员到避难室
/broadcast The site is not allowed any disobey orders and betrayal//
All IA+ has authrized to halted any operations and arrest the suspicous personnel for inspections//
中文注释 站点不允许任何不遵守规矩和背叛行为! 所有IA+授权停止任何活动并且逮捕可疑人员审问
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